Consent Form – Owned Cats

This is a legal document. Must be 18 years or older to consent to this form.

**Effective January 1, 2025, our prices will increase to $100 spay and $90 Neuter.

    Please make sure each pet has a towel inside of its carrier to lie on.

    Important: Before filling out this consent form, you MUST have a confirmed reservation at our clinic.

    Please fill out this form for each pet you are bringing to our facility.

    I agree to bring each pet in its own pet carrier.

    Services Requested

    The following are included: anesthesia, one pain injection, one anti-inflammatory injection, subcutaneous fluids, and nail trim.


    Feral Cat Coalition has offered the undersigned an opportunity to have owned cats spayed or neutered, according to the policies of the Feral Cat Coalition. To use our services, all lines must be agreed to. Please read and check the following boxes:

    I agree to release the Feral Cat Coalition, Feral and Friends, and their volunteers, agents, and others from any claims of any liability that may arise from the procedures performed on cat(s) admitted for spay/neuter.

    I recognize and understand the risks inherent to anesthesia and surgery, particularly for cat(s) that are pregnant, in heat, injured, sick, and/or have no medical history available. I understand that the cat(s) may not undergo a full pre-anesthetic evaluation by a veterinarian. I further understand that adverse reactions may occur with any sedation or surgical procedure. These reactions may include cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, and death. By presenting these cat(s) for surgery, I accept the risks for any underlying health problem that would complicate recovery and/or survival from anesthesia and/or surgery. I agree to hold the Feral Cat Coalition, Feral and Friends, and their volunteers, agents and others harmless should any cat(s) die before, during or after surgery, or experience complications not resulting in death.

    I understand that my cat is entering a high-volume clinic setting with other cats in the room. Although the Feral Cat Coalition makes every attempt to thoroughly examine each cat, I understand my cat may be in a situation where fleas and illness are present, which may expose my cat.

    This discharge and release of liability is absolute and complete, and covers any liability which may otherwise arise due to complications or errors by any medical personnel or others involved in the procedure on this date as well as on any future clinic date. I understand that the Feral Cat Coalition, Feral and Friends, and their volunteers, agents, and others will not cover emergency after-hour fees/care.

    I agree to pay for the fees discussed during drop-off at the time of pick-up.

    Should this animal require emergency life-saving treatments such as CPR and/or medications, I agree to pay up to an additional $100 despite the outcome for attempts to save the life of the cat(s).

    All cats will have a 1/2 - 1 inch tattoo placed on their abdomen to verify spay/neuter.

    I agree that if an antibiotic or anti-nausea injection is deemed necessary by the veterinarian, I consent to administration and charges. I understand that an antibiotic injection is $35 and an anti-nausea injection is $20. And if live fleas are seen, I consent to administration of Capstar for $10 to maintain clinic sterility.

    I agree to pick up the cat following surgery as directed. I understand that if I fail to pick up the cat as directed, the cat may be declared abandoned and will be handled as such. If no contact is made, cats will be held for 24 hours and a boarding fee will be charged. If no contact is made after 24 hours, animal control will be notified that you have abandoned the cat(s) which will result in legal action.

    If I am late for pick-up after the closing time, I will pay a late fee of $1 for every minute that I am late after 15 minutes.

    I grant Feral Cat Coalition, its representatives, and employees the right to take photographs and/or video of cat(s) I have left while at the clinic for surgery. I agree that Feral Cat Coalition may use such photographs and/or video of my cats with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.

    I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this cat has not bitten anyone in the preceding 10 days. I understand that if any cat I present bites anyone while in the care of Feral Cat Coalition, then Feral Cat Coalition is required by law to report the bite and the cat will need to be quarantined according to the current state rules.

    I have carefully read this release, and I fully understand and agree to it.

    DENTALS - I understand that a dental procedure is being done without recommended dental radiographs. Should any tooth fragments remain, I agree that it will be my responsibility to provide further diagnostics and care with my regular veterinarian. Should my pet have any healing complications from the extraction site(s) within 2 weeks of the procedure, I will contact Feral Cat Coalition immediately for a recheck where additional fees may be required. Dentals will never be done without owner consent over the phone.