Why You Should Spay or Neuter Your Cat

If you haven’t spayed or neutered your cat, please consider the advantages of doing so:

Spayed (female) Neutered (male)
  • No heat cycles
  • Less desire to roam
  • Risk of mammary gland tumors, ovarian and/or uterine cancer is reduced or eliminated
  • Number of unwanted cats/kittens is at an all-time high
  • Reduces or eliminates risk of spraying and marking
  • Less desire to roam
  • Risk of testicular cancer is eliminated
  • Number of unwanted cats/kittens is at an all-time high
(Information provided by SpayUSA, a program of North Shore Animal League America.)

Need financial assistance to spay or neuter? Please read about low-cost spay/neuter options in the San Diego area.